For or Against Valentine’s Day ?

Valentine's day advice from a french wedding planner - Carpe diem weddings

Valentine’s Day, celebrated every year on 14 February, always divides opinions among the people questioned, depending on how they see their relationship, how long they’ve been together, how special their relationship is, their upbringing or their past. And we’re no exception! Celebrating love takes different forms, and as organizers of happiness, we may or may not adhere to.

When is the best time to organise my wedding?

/IMAGES ARTICLE TEST/ Carpe Diem Weddings destination venues organization service Season wedding summer autumn

Organising a wedding is an exciting and complex adventure that raises many questions. One of the first considerations is the choice of date. The timing of the wedding can have a significant impact on everything from the general atmosphere on the big day to logistical costs. The temptation is great to get married in the high season, during the summer months, while others couples opt for a less traditional period, in October, when the days are still beautiful, or even later.

2024 Wedding Trends

2024 weddings trends. French wedding planner. Carpe Diem

The year 2024 has already arrived, and as wedding planners (and bride and groom-to-be), it’s essential to stay on top of the latest wedding trends. Every year, many of you look to incorporate unique and innovative elements into your celebrations, to make your special day even more memorable.