Legal Information
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Act no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 promoting trust in the digital economy, CARPE DIEM WEDDINGS makes the following information available to its users/visitors:Company name: CARPE DIEM WEDDINGS
Type of company: Auto Entrepreneur
SIRET : 800 203 747 00012
APE : 9329Z
Phone : 06. 66. 81. 92. 83
Address of the registered office: 260 Chemin des Lembertes – 30700 Saint Siffret – FRANCE
The website publication director is Nathalie DALLA-RIVA.
This website is hosted by IONOS SARL – 7 Place de la Gare – 57200 Sarreguemines – FRANCE
Website Services
The website provides information on all of the company’s activities.The information on this website is as accurate as possible and is regularly updated. All information available on the website is provided for information purposes, is not exhaustive and is subject to change.
The website owner shall not be liable in the event of errors, omissions or shortcomings.
8 Rue Carreterie, 84000 Avignon
tel : +33617218505
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