2024 weddings trends. French wedding planner. Carpe Diem

2024 Wedding Trends

The year 2024 has already arrived, and as wedding planners (and bride and groom-to-be), it’s essential to stay on top of the latest wedding trends. Every year, many of you look to incorporate unique and innovative elements into your celebrations, to make your special day even more memorable. 

In this article, we’ll explore the emerging wedding trends for 2024 and how you can incorporate them to create spectacular, unforgettable events.

2024 weddings trend. French wedding planner. Carpe Diem

 01. Sustainability at the heart of weddings

With growing awareness of the ecological impact of our choices, many couples now want to organize an environmentally-friendly wedding. In 2024, sustainability will be at the heart of weddings, where every detail will be designed to minimize the carbon footprint. Eco-responsible practices, such as the use of recycled and recyclable materials, sustainable decorations and local flowers, will be favored. Eco-responsible weddings not only help preserve the planet, but also create unique and conscious events.

02.  Intimate, personalized weddings.

Intimate, personalized weddings will also be in vogue in 2024. Couples are increasingly opting for intimate celebrations in small groups, focusing on quality rather than quantity. These weddings offer a more intimate and meaningful experience, where every guest really counts. Personalized weddings are also favored, with unique details that reflect the passions and personalities of the bride and groom. Secular ceremonies, themed weddings or rituals inspired by different cultures, help to make the event even more special and meaningful.

2024 weddings trend. French wedding planner. Carpe Diem

03. Fashion and decoration inspired by the future.

In fashion and decoration, 2024 will be marked by bold and inspiring choices. Brides will opt for unconventional gowns, such as colorful dresses or dresses with original patterns, reflecting their unique personalities. Bride and groom outfits will also be personalized, with bespoke accessories and details. The trend towards sage green and terracotta that began in 2023 will continue next year, to our great delight. Futuristic elements such as light shows, holographic backdrops and modern art installations will create an immersive and magical atmosphere.

04. New technologies for weddings

By 2024, couples will be embracing new technologies to make their weddings even more innovative and interactive. Traditional paper invitations may give way to virtual and interactive ones, allowing guests to interact with content and confirm their attendance online. Virtual reality will offer guests an immersive experience before and during the wedding, allowing them to virtually visit the venue, try on outfits or enable live broadcasts of the ceremonies for distant relatives unable to attend the event.

Weddings 2024 are therefore moving towards a more sustainable approach, with particular attention paid to the environment and personalization. The integration of new technologies is also making celebrations even more interactive and memorable. Fashion and decoration are inspired by the future, with bold brides and timeless settings. So get ready to create inspiring and extraordinary weddings in this promising year 2024!

Nathalie Dalla Riva. Your Provencal and French Wedding Planner

Carpe Diem Weddings - French Wedding Planner. Organization. Nathalie Dalla Riva

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